Managing Long Term Conditions

Long-term conditions are health conditions that generally last for a year or longer and may impact upon a person’s everyday life. Examples include asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, mental health problems, multiple sclerosis and skin conditions. 

If you do have a long-term condition there are extra things you may need to consider, such as making changes to your diet, different types of exercise or different types of medication you may need to take. Living with a long-term illness can be challenging and the NHS will help you grow your knowledge, skills and confidence to take control of your condition through self-management. Self-management involves looking at what you want to do and thinking about how you can do it.

Living with a long-term illness can be challenging and the NHS will help you grow your knowledge, skills and confidence to take control of your condition through self-management. Self-management involves looking at what you want to do and thinking about how you can do it.

If you have concerns or issues with your long-term condition, speak to the health workers who manage your long term condition health plan, or visit your local GP for guidance. Our aim is to provide you with guidance and support to enable you to manage your long term condition as best as possible to avoid an emergency situation or crisis.

Asthma and COPD

For asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) information, visit

For tips how to use your inhaler visit:

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