NHS Symptom Checker

If you’re not sure what condition you have, or how severe it is, you can use the NHS 111 symptom checker. The checker will:

  1. Answer questions about your main symptoms
  2. Help you find when and where to get help
  3. Arrange for you to be contacted by a clinician, if needed

To use the checker, click here: https://111.nhs.uk/

  • signs of a heart attack: chest pain, pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across the chest
  • signs of a stroke: face dropping on one side, cannot hold both arms up, difficulty speaking
  • sudden confusion (delirium): cannot be sure of own name or age
  • suicide attempt: by taking something or self-harming
  • severe difficulty breathing: not being able to get words out, choking or gasping
  • choking: on liquids or solids right now
  • heavy bleeding: spraying, pouring or enough to make a puddle
  • severe injuries: after a serious accident or assault
  • seizure (fit): shaking or jerking because of a fit, or unconscious (cannot be woken up)
  • sudden, rapid swelling: of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue
  • seizure (fit): shaking or jerking because of a fit, or unconscious (cannot be woken up)
  • choking: on liquids or solids right now
  • difficulty breathing: making grunting noises or sucking their stomach in under their ribcage
  • unable to stay awake: cannot keep their eyes open for more than a few seconds
  • blue, grey, pale or blotchy skin, tongue or lips: on brown or black skin, grey or blue palms or soles of the feet
  • limp and floppy: their head falls to the side, backwards or forwards
  • heavy bleeding: spraying, pouring or enough to make a puddle
  • severe injuries: after a serious accident or assault
  • signs of a stroke: face dropping on one side, cannot hold both arms up, difficulty speaking
  • sudden rapid swelling: of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue
  • sudden confusion: agitation, odd behaviour or non-stop crying

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